How to Draw Mickey Mouse Body Step by Step

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Mickey Mouse is a archetype cartoon figure, and his big ears and expressive look make him an excellent choice when you're trying to decide on what to describe. He's also pretty easy to illustrate, fifty-fifty if yous don't have a ton of experience drawing. Between the button nose, 2 eyes, and 2 ears, he'southward essentially a bunch of ovals layered in a certain order. The easiest manner to describe him is facing forrad, just yous tin depict him looking to the side if you want to increment the complexity a little. Once the head is done, you tin can add a body by drawing some trunks and some big goofy shoes!

  1. 1

    Draw a circle to brand the main portion of Mickey'southward head. Use a pencil to sketch a circle. This commencement circle will serve as the chief portion of Mickey's caput, then make information technology roughly as big as you want the drawing to be. Make your circle every bit perfectly-round equally possible.[i]

    • If you want a perfect circumvolve to start, you tin can start past outlining a circular object, similar a canteen of medicine or a glass.
    • This method involves erasing a lot of lines after sketching Mickey's general shape, then don't press the pencil down hard equally you lot make your start prepare of drawings.
  2. 2

    Identify 2 circular, intersecting lines on the left side of the circle to make information technology spherical. Brand your first line starting from the top of the circle. Bring your pencil effectually the left-side of the circle to make a crescent moon-shape on the leftmost side of the circle. Place another circular line starting from the center of the left side. Bring the pencil downwards to make a U-shaped arc. This will requite the circle the impression of being round.[2]

    • These ii lines are often called eye lines, or contour lines. They're used to serve as a guide for nose and heart placement. You will erase them eventually, and so make them low-cal.
    • If you desire Mickey to face up right, reverse the directions and put the lines on the right side. Contrary the sides for each footstep so they're on the other side.


  3. 3

    Draw a small circle that sticks out of the intersection where the lines meet. At the exact spot where your 2 center lines encounter, start to draw a smaller circle roughly i/x the size of the big circle. Place the smaller circumvolve then that the upper-right side of the circle shares the bespeak where the two center lines run into.[3]

    • This smaller circumvolve will be the middle of Mickey's olfactory organ. You lot'll eventually erase the lower one-half.
  4. 4

    Put a slightly smaller egg shape on peak of the smaller circumvolve. On the upper-left side of the circumvolve that you just drew, draw an egg sitting on acme. Tilt it so that it is oriented 15-degrees away from the rest of the cartoon. This will exist the button on Mickey's nose. You won't erase these lines.[iv]

    • If you lot don't angle the push button on Mickey's nose slightly away from the remainder of the head, Mickey will look like his nose is being pulled back. If the button is too apartment, Mickey will expect confused and angry.
  5. 5

    Add 2 ears on the correct and upper-right side of the large circle. Draw your 2 ears by adding 2 equally-sized circles on the upper-right and extreme right side of the bigger circle. Place them so that the bottom portion of each ear overlaps with the big circumvolve.[5]

    • You will erase the section where the ears overlap with the rest of the head, but not the outside portion.
    • Make each ear about iii/5 the size of the large circle.
  6. 6

    Divide the head by drawing a 3 in the eye of the big circle. To separate the blackness portion of Mickey's head from the face, draw a three with top bar tilted down and the bottom bar tilted back similar information technology'south falling over to the left. Merge the lesser bar into the line that forms the bottom of the circumvolve, but continue the pinnacle bar split up from the top of the circle. Go out a little space between the top of the circle and the superlative bar on your 3. Once the meridian bar reaches the top left of the circle, describe a line running directly upwardly into the head.[vi]

    • This should exist ane continuous stroke.
    • Mickey'due south mouth will go in the bottom gap on the left. Mickey'due south eyes will become in the upper gap on the left.

    Tip: This is kind of a weird shape and it may feel kind of unnatural to add it. Make this line actually low-cal and then that you tin can conform it as you work through the drawing.

  7. 7

    Connect the bottom of the minor circumvolve and the heart of the big circle with a line. Start on the bottom of the small circumvolve (non the egg, but the circle underneath information technology) and draw a U-shaped arc running into the middle of your big circle, slightly underneath the center. This will be the bottom of Mickey'south snout and the top of his lip.[7]

    • You lot will erase the lesser-right of the small circle, leaving the arc from the intersection of your center lines to the showtime of line you merely made.
  8. 8

    Add a smaller, deeper U-shape underneath the line you just made to make the oral fissure. Start right where the big circle meets the snout. Drag your pencil downwards and extend it a little flake by the border of the big circle. Bring the pencil dorsum up so that it meets the terminate of the line you just made.[eight]

    • Brand it look like a flattened-out U on top of a deeper U.
    • Y'all will erase everything inside of these 2 lines to make Mickey'south mouth.
    • Brand a tongue by drawing 2 connecting lumps in the bottom of the opening. Information technology looks like a soft-1000 with rounded edges.
  9. 9

    Draw the lower lip by adding a parallel arc under the bottom of the oral fissure. Draw a 2nd U-shaped arc just outside of the bottom lip. Start from the snout and finish once you attain a little past the edge of the big circle.[ix]

    • The gap between these 2 arcs should exist very small. You will erase everything in between these 2 lines.
  10. ten

    Add 2 optics by drawing a larger oval on the right and a smaller oval on the left. Make your beginning eye past drawing a thin oval to the right of the heart line and the left of your dividing 3-shaped line. Brand a smaller oval on the left side of the eye line but the right of the large circle's left edge.[10]

    • Add pupils at the bottom of Mickey's optics. Y'all can fill them in or exit them hollow.
  11. 11

    Outline the initial sketch in ink or marker and erase the overlapping lines. You lot can erase the overlapping and guiding lines before or after yous outline the cartoon in pen or marking. Erase the connections between the ears, the inside of the mouth, the guiding lines, and the lesser-right of the snout. Outline the remaining lines in black ink to stop your cartoon.[11]

    • If y'all're calculation color, make everything to the right of your dividing line black. Color the skin flesh-tone and make the natural language red.
  12. 12



  1. 1

    Start Mickey's pants by drawing a round waist and extending the sides. Mickey's pants expect kind of like a rounded rectangle. Y'all tin put them in the middle, or off to 1 side. Depict the left, right, and height of Mickey'south pants past placing them underneath the caput. Get out a little space between the head and the top of the pants. Try to brand the peak of Mickey's pants smooth and round by sticking them out a little in the centre. This volition give the impression that he is poking his belly out.[12]

    • The amount of infinite you exit between the top of the pants and the bottom of the caput will determine how long Mickey's torso is. Traditionally, he's a pretty stout fellow, so you don't need a ton of room.
    • You tin can do this in pen if you want, just yous won't exist able to erase your marks if you lot make any mistakes.
  2. 2

    Add together the bottom of each pant leg by drawing wide openings on each side of the trunks. You can either draw each pant leg flush confronting one some other or draw one leg in forepart to make him stand up at an angle. Add ii small rectangles at the bottom of the pants. Get out the top line on each rectangle empty to brand the pant legs seem like they're one piece.[13]

    • The openings for the pants are pretty stout. These should look like kind of like short shorts with a high waist.
  3. 3

    Put 2 big buttons in the centre of his trunk by drawing ovals. The 2 buttons are essential if you want your body to wait similar it belongs to Mickey. Put ii pronounced ovals in the upper-portion of the pants. They should be slightly more vertical than the average oval.[14]

    • If you want Mickey to await like he'south facing the left, make the button on the left a little smaller than the push on the right to create the impression that it's further away.
  4. 4

    Draw 2 shorter lines coming up from the sides of the pants towards Mickey'south head. Angle each line slightly inward to requite the impression that Mickey's body is pointing towards the center of the head. These should be fairly small lines. Do not connect them to the head.[15]

    • These will course Mickey's sides on his torso.
  5. 5

    Add the arms and fold them effectually to the back to make things easy. Add the line for an upper arm starting from the head. Add the line for the lower arm starting from just under the stop of the torso line you just fabricated. Bring these 2 lines out and down at a 45-degree angle. Stop once you go near the middle of the buttons and and then fold them back inwards to make it seem like Mickey is holding his hands behind his dorsum. Repeat this process on the other side.[16]

    • This is a classic Mickey pose.
    • Mickey's easily are kind of complicated to draw. Y'all can try to add them if you lot want. He typically has 4 fingers and his hands are about the size of his caput. Don't forget that he's ever wearing gloves!
  6. half dozen

    Illustrate some legs sticking out of the middle of Mickey's pants. Brand each leg stick out in the direction that you want. Each leg should be every bit broad as Mickey'south arms to make them seem proportional. Traditionally, Mickey's legs are about the length of his pants, then stop once you recollect yous've reached the appropriate length.[17]

    • Make one leg slightly wider if you want to go far seem like Mickey is standing at an angle.
    • Get out the bottom opening of the legs empty for a moment so y'all can add together shoes.
  7. 7

    Requite Mickey some big, round shoes with donut-shaped ankles. Mickey has large, round shoes, but the connection at the ankle resembles a donut with the leg sticking through the pigsty in the center. Depict a pocket-sized arc under the opening of a leg to shut it off. Describe a halo starting from the edge in a higher place the ankle and wrap it around the forepart of the arc. Leave a little room in the heart and describe a big oval to finish Mickey's shoes.[eighteen]

    • Color Mickey's trunks red and shoes yellow if yous desire to add some color.

    Tip: Mickey is sometimes given a tail, although sometimes people get out it out. If you want your Mickey to take a tail, draw it sticking out of his backside starting from the lesser-right of his shorts. It's usually a very thin tail. Curlicue it effectually to make information technology seem fluid the closer y'all get to the feet.

  8. 8



  1. 1

    Draw a flattened oval in the middle of your page to brand the nose. Start with Mickey's nose past drawing the button on the stop of his snout. Place an oval in the middle of your page that looks like it's being flattened a piddling bit. This should expect similar a symmetrical egg tilted onto its side.[19]

    • Starting in the middle of his face and working your mode out ensures that the facial features will stay proportional.
    • This method doesn't crave any erasing, so you can start with a pen if you're confident in your strokes. Otherwise, use pencil and outline it later on. This makes it like shooting fish in a barrel to fix mistakes before they go permanent.
  2. 2

    Add an curved line above the nose and get out an equal corporeality of space in betwixt the nose and the line. Identify an arc that is identical to the top half of your oval a trivial above the nose. This volition function as the base for Mickey's optics.[20]

    • Do non brand this line longer than the oval itself or Mickey will expect bug-eyed.
  3. 3

    Draw ii thinner ovals leading into the arc to make the eyes. From the front, the bottom of Mickey's eyes await like they're hidden backside Mickey's snout. Draw 2 ovals of equal size extending out from the lesser of the arc that is sitting above the nose.[21]

    • The lesser 1/viii of the ovals should exist missing as the eyes feed correct into the line.
    • Make the ovals thinner than the nose, and they should extend upwards a little scrap with a lilliputian space between them.
  4. 4

    Add the pupils by drawing them on the inside of each eye. Within each eye, draw your pupils in the bottom of each oval. Place them so that they both fill up in the corner closest to the eye. In other words, the bottom quarter of each pupil should be subconscious.[22]

    • The bottom-right of your left pupil and the bottom-left of your right pupil should both be hidden.
  5. 5

    Describe a uncomplicated smile with 2 cheek lines on each end of the line. Underneath the nose, depict a wide grin in a single pen stroke. The smile should extend to the horizontal plane where the middle of your nose rests on each side of the face. Cap each cease with a small, perpendicular line to give the mouth the classic Mickey wait.[23]

    • Make the angle of this line about-identical to a basic smiley face.
  6. 6

    Add together a deeper U-shape underneath this line to make his mouth open. To open Mickey's mouth, draw a deeper U-shaped line hanging from the center portion of the line you just made. Outset your line a niggling to the left of the nose and bring it down until you reach the eye axis of the olfactory organ. Bring the line dorsum up only by the right of the nose.[24]

    • Add the tongue past putting 2 bumps that connect in the middle at the bottom of the opening between these 2 lines.
  7. 7

    Create the outline of Mickey's confront by drawing effectually the features. Brainstorm to outline Mickey'due south face by cartoon a line that floats around the eyes and mouth. Starting time at the bottom and work your way effectually the rest of the face. Make sure that you lot puff out the cheeks a piffling when you're going around the caps at the end of the smile.[25]

    • Sometimes Mickey has eyebrows, sometimes he doesn't, it'southward totally upwards to you if you want to include them. To add eyebrows, draw 2 little arcs over each center in between this outline and the edge of the center.

    Tip: Depict all the way around every facial feature. This should be ane line running effectually the optics, cheeks, and bottom of the oral fissure.

  8. 8

    Add 3 lines on the sides and top of Mickey's head. Nearly the edge of where the left cheek sticks out, draw a parallel line that runs from the cheek to the space betwixt the eye and the outline. Leave a little bare space for the left ear then depict a continuation of this line on elevation of Mickey's head from the centre of i eye to the center of the other. Go out another gap for the correct ear and then draw a mirrored image of the first line on the right running downwardly to the top of the other cheek.[26]

    • Brand the gaps on each side an equal size to ensure that the ears are symmetrical.
  9. 9

    Draw ii circles on each side to brand the ears. Offset each ear where an exterior line ends and draw the residual circle leading into the adjacent line. Leave the bottom portion of each ear blank to give the impression that the 3 lines and 2 ears were fabricated in one continuous stroke.[27]

    • You actually tin can do this in i continuous line if you accept proficient pen command and a steady eye.
    • Information technology can be like shooting fish in a barrel to accidentally make the ears look like ovals. If you do this, add more to the outline when you're coloring the ears and back of the head in.
  10. 10

    Color in the back of Mickey's head and ears with black. Color in the ears and the back of Mickey's head past coloring it black. If you desire to give the residual of Mickey some color, make his tongue red and the skin flesh-tone.[28]

  11. 11



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  • Question

    How do I brand Mickey wait angry?

    Community Answer

    Make his eyes squint and put angry-looking eyebrows on him.

  • Question

    How do I make the trunk a good shape?

    Community Answer

    Kickoff off with basic circles, for example, one large one for the base of the head and two smaller ones for ears. If you are drawing the total body y'all should start off with basic shapes. Unremarkably, when I describe I only start with shapes like ovals and squares to then motion on to detailing.

  • Question

    Tin I draw Mickey Mouse and modify it a bit to make it Minnie Mouse?

    Community Answer

    Of course! My advice is to add eyelashes and a bow. Maybe add shoulders and color them pink, then it looks similar she'due south wearing a pink clothes.

  • Question

    How tin can yous draw Mickey Mouse as a wizard?

    Community Answer

    Use these instructions to depict the mouse shape in its entirety. Then, re-create the wizard hat design onto his head. Erase all lines that don't form part of the hat so that the mouse looks normal.

  • Question

    How can I draw Mickey Mouse in fine art class?

    Community Answer

    But practice with all of these methods, and you will get to describe information technology in art class.

  • Question

    Tin can I change Mickey into Donald Duck?

    Community Answer

    This may be more hard. My advice is to simply find a page almost Donald Duck, instead of changing Mickey.

  • Question

    How practice I brand Mickey look sad?

    Community Answer

    Squint his eyes and brand his mouth turned downwardly into a frown. Yous could too add some tears.

  • Question

    Is there a easier way to draw Mickey Mouse?

    Community Answer

    Yes, add the cross in the middle of Mickey's face and then y'all can place his nose and other features in the correct place.

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Things You'll Need

  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Markers or colored pencils

About This Article

Article Summary 10

To draw Mickey Mouse, get-go depict an oval in the centre of your page for his nose. And then, draw a curved line slightly higher up the olfactory organ. Add 2 ovals on top of the curved line for Mickey's eyes. Next, add 2 smaller ovals inside of the eyes for the pupils. Draw a grinning nether Mickey's nose and place a cheek line at each end. Draw a U-shape under the smile to give Mickey an open mouth, and draw two bumps for the natural language. So, outline Mickey'southward face up past drawing around all of those shapes. Draw a circle effectually the acme of Mickey'due south head, leading behind the cheeks. Add two large circles on superlative of the caput, 1 on each side, for Mickey's ears. Finally, color in the circle and the part of the head connected to the circles with black. To learn how to depict Mickey Mouse's full body, keep reading the article!

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